We had only two days to capture Kelly and Adel's elopement as they had flown in from Victoria. The plan was to have a sweet little ceremony in Cafe Franklin then onto the mountain for a wilderness shoot, however the car rental company played havoc with our schedule, and we missed the ceremony. So up the mountain we went anyway with hopes to use the second day to meet up with our celebrant Nat. What a wild and rainy elopement this turned out to be. We had ten minutes to shoot before we couldn't even see from all the rain and an epic storm rolling in on the mountain. I have never changed so many lenses in one shoot, as there was no time to clean the rain off given how big the storm was. Kelly and Adel did a fantastic job given they hate having their photo taken and claim extreme awkwardness in front of a camera! The next day we met at Kingston Beach for a simple morning ceremony and what a contrast the weather was, it began cloudy and ended up looking like Miami! Nat found us a gorgeous little nook in Cafe Boho and we finally got these two love birds hitched.