In the small seaside town of Margate, between North-West Bay and the Snug Tiers we met on a beautiful cloudy evening and shot a gorgeous sister session in the home of their beloved Oma. I love creating art in a space that means so much to the people being captured. So many family memories held on this gorgeous property and many more to come. The gardens held secrets around every corner and was alive with birds and the happy buzzing of bees. Pretty colours and the smell of the sea surrounded us as we captured the beauty of sisterhood and a new member to the family.

beautiful cottage in Margate Tasmania by joss jensen photography
Margate, Tasmania, by Joss Jensen Photography
beautiful roses in Margate, Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
beautiful garden in Margate, Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
beautiful cottage in Margate, Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
family session by Joss Jensen Photography
old paintings in cottage in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
beautiful garden in Margate, Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography
sisterhood and motherhood family session in Tasmania by Joss Jensen Photography