Victoria contacted me from the other end of the state, so we had to go ahead with our session rain hail or shine as she travelled down on her booked date! The weather of course was moody and gorgeous being Tassie and we headed up into my backyard, Hartz Mountain for a small business branding session. Vicki makes light codes and medicine markings so we wanted to tap into the side of her business that was in tune with nature and inspirational to her markings. We began our session 8am on a frosty winter morning and ended up back in town with sunshine and heat, that is the Huon Valley for you! From English style country fields to the wild rugged mountains of Tasmania and the deep and inspirational forests that are the foundations of our beautiful landscapes. We covered everything in this empowering women's session and I am not mad about it all!

small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen
small business branding session the Huon Valley, Geeveston, by Tasmanian photographer Joss Jensen